SLC Marathons

Sprinting Through the Lens

From lending a helping hand to seizing the chance to capture captivating moments, my journey with this incredible foundation has been a whirlwind of gratitude and growth. Starting off as a volunteer and eventually landing a paid gig, I’ve not only honed my sports photography skills but also had a blast getting to know my new hometown, Salt Lake City.

I can’t even put into words how thrilled I was to meet these incredible athletes, their energy radiating through their amazing smiles as they pushed their limits. It was a privilege to freeze their hard work and dedication in each frame, preserving the essence of their passion. And a huge shoutout to the volunteers – you’re the unsung heroes who make it all happen! For all the exciting details and candid captures, check out my Sportsfest 2022 blog post. It’s a journey you won’t want to miss!
